Just like every plant, trees need to be given treatment and care to ensure they don’t die. Unlike most things in your backyard, an unhealthy tree can also cause damage to your property. Below are some common ailments that can affect your trees and, as a result, you if you don’t take care of them!


Sick trees won’t magically become better by themselves, and they can be dangerous. Not only do their diseases spread to other plants nearby, but sick trees can eventually die and fall onto your home or another piece of property. They can also smell bad or ooze unpleasant substances.

The following are common tree diseases to watch out for:

  • Bacterial: Bacteria attack the tree’s leaves, ability to absorb water, and plant tissue. Look for abnormal growths and leaf holes. Bacterial examples are Wetwood, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, and Crown Gall.
  • Fungal: Fungi are the cause of most tree problems. Fungal diseases often have black or yellow spotting in the tree’s leaves or bark. These diseases could also impact sap coloring. Fungal examples include Phytophthora, Leaf Rust, and Dutch Elm Disease.
  • Viral: Viruses are harder to spot in trees because their symptoms look similar to other common plant problems or take longer to manifest. Tree leaves are likely to be stunted in growth or misshapen. Viral examples include Tomato Ringspot Virus or Cherry Leaf Roll Virus.


Despite their small size, insects and weeds can cause expensive damage to the trees in your yard. Many bugs lay their eggs inside trees, and their larvae use the tree as food when they hatch. Insects like termites can burrow into your trees and destroy them from the inside out, and not taking care of this problem may result in termites moving into your home next. There are also bugs that eat your trees’ leaves, such as leaf beetles, sawflies, and spider mites.

Other insects that are linked to tree damage include:

  • Caterpillars
  • Worms
  • Borers
  • Wood wasps
  • Moths
  • Aphids
  • Scale bugs

Weeds can choke your trees by stealing nutrients and water. These silent killers can intertwine their leaves with your tree leaves, making them difficult to spot. They spread quickly and can grow in places you wouldn’t think to check. Weeds even entangle themselves with your trees’ roots, so removing them can be a hassle.

Falling Branches

Falling tree branches could be a sign your tree isn’t doing well, especially if those branches show signs of decay. A common cause of this phenomenon is that your tree isn’t getting enough nutrients or water. The tree is cutting off some of its branches, so it doesn’t have to upkeep or feed as much of itself.

Your tree could also just have been pruned unevenly. Uneven prunes distribute the weight of the branch poorly, putting strain on the tree. Avoid getting hurt by these sudden branch drops by taking care of your trees and using professional tree services you can trust.

Concrete Damage

When you notice uneven concrete on a driveway or sidewalk, it may not have been caused by a poor paving job or uneven ground. Tree roots are strong enough to lift or crack concrete. This means you may have to redo your concrete if you don’t plant your trees mindfully, and concrete paving can be expensive because it needs to be laid down thicker than asphalt. Cut the roots, install a root barrier around your pavement, or reinforce the concrete to avoid this kind of expense.


Don’t look the other way when tree branches start rubbing against your home or business. Walls can be scratched and damaged by trees that haven’t been pruned in a while. You also won’t be able to open any windows if tree branches or leaves are in the way. If a tree grows too tall, it can also get in the way of electric wiring. This is not only a fire hazard, but also likely to cause power outages.

Oftentimes, people who work for your city will come by and prune tree branches that are in the way of public sidewalks. But they most likely will not prune your tree the way that best matches what your plant needs or the way you prefer, so the best way to care for your trees is to get professionals to take care of it before it’s a problem.

Loss of Clean Air

Trees are commonly known for being great producers of clean air. Trees take in carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen for us to breathe. If your trees don’t get taken care of, they will eventually die, and your air quality may suffer. Certainly the beautiful smells and coolness they give backyards will be gone! On a larger level, trees can make a big difference in areas with high pollution. Having good air quality is linked to better health, so don’t miss out on this benefit.

Soil Erosion

During a rainshower, a lot of dirt, dust, grime, and other particles are washed away. While that can be a good thing, you don’t want the nutrients and soil in your yard to wash away in a storm. Trees can help prevent soil erosion by covering the ground with their leaves and holding onto soil with their roots.In mountainous areas, soil erosion can cause huge landslides that damage vehicles. Trees are stronger than they look and have been known to prevent large rocks from falling down canyons. Having trees that are well-taken care of will help prevent both these natural disasters and the smaller erosion of good soil.

Decreased Property Value

Trees add to the beauty and serenity of your landscape. Trees also help protect your homefrom extreme temperatures, provide shade for outdoor play, and make for a great backdrop for outdoor parties. And, in many cases, properties that have large trees draw in more interest from potential buyers.

If your trees look dead or unwell, however, potential home buyers won’t be encouraged to buy your home. They may correlate unkempt trees with an unkempt home, even if that judgement is entirely wrong. Some home buyers want a yard that is ready for move-in, rather than something they need to redo from the ground up. Considering how long it takes for trees to grow compared to other landscaping plants, the value of a healthy, beautifully pruned tree adds both curb appeal and overall value.

Taking care of your trees periodically rather than having to replace them later can save you money and time. Don’t wait until diseases or pests have taken over your landscape. For the sake of your home and its future, look after the trees on your property now!

There’s a lot of work and know-how that goes into tree maintenance. Pinecrest Tree Servicescan take care of it for you!

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